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Using greyscale is sustainable. Printing with as little colour as possible has the least environmental impact. #vastint #realestateowner #realestatedeveloper #vastintbelgium #vastintfrance #vastintlatvia #vastintlithuania #vastintnetherlands #vastintpoland #vastintromania #vastintunitedkingdom #vastinthospitality
The colour of the basic logotype is neutral grey, symbolising concrete and stone. #vastint #realestateowner #realestatedeveloper #vastintbelgium #vastintfrance #vastintlatvia #vastintlithuania #vastintnetherlands #vastintpoland #vastintromania #vastintunitedkingdom #vastinthospitality
In our logotype we combine a few letters into single shapes to represent connectivity and togetherness of all our divisions around Europe #vastint #realestateowner #realestatedeveloper #vastintbelgium #vastintfrance #vastintlatvia #vastintlithuania #vastintnetherlands #vastintpoland #vastintromania #vastintunitedkingdom #vastinthospitality
The incomplete “A” stands for motion and that most things still remain to be done. #vastint #realestateowner #realestatedeveloper #vastintbelgium #vastintfrance #vastintlatvia #vastintlithuania #vastintnetherlands #vastintpoland #vastintromania #vastintunitedkingdom #vastinthospitality
Vastint is the abbreviation for “Vastgoed Internationaal”, which is Dutch for “International real estate” #vastint #realestateowner #realestatedeveloper #vastintbelgium #vastintfrance #vastintlatvia #vastintlithuania #vastintnetherlands #vastintpoland #vastintromania #vastintunitedkingdom #vastinthospitality
Our name and logotype is part of who we are. But do you know what it means and what it symbolises? #vastint #realestateowner #realestatedeveloper #vastintbelgium #vastintfrance #vastintlatvia #vastintlithuania #vastintnetherlands #vastintpoland #vastintromania #vastintunitedkingdom #vastinthospitality
Thank you @hashtagalek for a different - photographic look at our investments. ___________________________ Dziękujemy @hashtagalek za inne – fotograficzne spojrzenie na nasze inwestycje. #vastint #projectbyvastint #businessgardenwarszawa #businessgardenpoznan #businessgardenwroclaw
Do you feel calm, looking at these pictures? Or you prefer more dynamic shots? Let us know about it in the comments. ___________________________ Czy odczuwacie spokój, patrząc na takie zdjęcia? Czy wolicie bardziej dynamiczne ujęcia? Dajcie nam znać w komentarzach. #vastint #projectbyvastint #businessgardenwarszawa #businessgardenpoznan #businessgardenwroclaw
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